Continuous spontaneous localization
Process Info
Production of spontaneous radiation emission from charged particles
Differential rate dR/dLmddE= k * Lmd/E valid in range 10-1000 keV
Assumption: formula is valid down to 1 keV
1 crystal with energy [1,20] keV. Background rate above 20 keV too high to add anything significant
No energy in liquid scintillator
Background rate
0.4 cpd/keV/kg
400000 counts in 3 years
Limit on signal rate
<1500 counts
< 0.001 cpd/keV/kg
Limit on model parameters
lambda< e-13s
Current limits
lambda< e-11s must add reference
Spontaneous radiation emission
dR/dLmddE= k * Lmd/E
in range 10-1000 keV
assume is valid form 1 keV