


This user guide is aimed at users of the Member Portal for the POLESTAR Reporting Tool. POLESTAR is a Zoho Creator App that hosts the cloud-based database for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (CDM). The main purpose of the reporting tool is to use a series of custom forms to collect KPI data that will aid in building reports for and on behalf of CDM.

As well as collecting KPI data, the database allows storing and managing Centre Member details in a Master Record. For example, a Master Record for a Centre Member may include their email, their role, home institution, supervisor, and any other details relevant to their affiliation with the centre. The Master Record section is available to administration staff only and the information stored here is never shared with third-parties. If you would like to see your record or update your details, please contact your node administrator.


What if my name is not listed in the drop down field on a form?

If your name is not listed in a drop down field, you may not have a master record in the CDM database. It is up to your node administrator to create your master record, and if you are at the stage of submitting your own KPIs, you are meant to be recorded.

Some forms will allow you to continue without having a master record, and for these forms feel free to submit anyway and notify your node administrator afterwards. If you cannot submit the form without a name selection, please hold off on your submission and send an email to cdm-database@unimelb.edu.au so we can rectify the issue for you.

I have a lot of entries to make. Can I do a bulk entry?

This is a possibility, but not through the regular forms. Please contact cdm-database@unimelb.edu.au to discuss your options.

How can I see what I have entered?

All forms have the option to send a copy of your submission to a provided email address.

You will find this option at the end of every KPI form

If you would like a full breakdown of your entries, please request a report from cdm-database@unimelb.edu.au.

Awards & Prizes

The ARC require a summary of highlights, achievements in research and other outputs resulting from the use of funds. Centre members receiving awards and prizes from other organisations demonstrate recognition of their excellence and dedication to the goals of the centre.

The annual report will have a dedicated section that lists all awards and prizes for the year along with the recipients organisation and the awarding body.

Example from the 2021 Annual Report of how the awards and prizes are listed.


The ARC require a summary of highlights, achievements in research and other outputs resulting from the use of funds. Successful collaborations demonstrate worldwide interest in Dark Matter research conducted by the Centre.

All associated organisations in a collaboration are visually mapped out in the Annual Report, followed by a short commentary on any newly formed or newly joined research collaborations. The commentary includes the main goals of the collaboration, relevant projects, and key personnel. It’s also important to record new collaborations with other nodes of the Centre (intra-node collaboration).

Conferences & Events

The ARC require a summary of the Centre’s activities in developing national and international links, outreach, public awareness and communication with the wider community. Events are an excellent way to network, learn from a range of experts, share our research, and initiate new collaborations. The event can be one organised externally or by CDM, and includes workshops, training, research, conferences and symposiums.

The information gathered from this form is spread into multiple sections throughout the annual report. Notable presentations made by centre members around the world are highlighted, events held by CDM are reported for KPIs, and expenditure is noted as part of the financial report.

Media & Outreach

The ARC require a summary of the Centre’s activities in developing national and international links, outreach, public awareness and communication with the wider community. This could include media about the Centre (traditional, social, online, etc), unique website hits, innovative outreach options, etc.

The annual report will have a dedicated section detailing all media and outreach for the year along with relevant pictures and winning entries from competitions organised by the Centre. The Centre’s communications activities are built around the key communications objectives that aim to support the Centre mission. They are:

  • To generate excitement about Australia’s role in the searchfor dark matter

  • To inspire and nurture the scientists of the future

  • To promote diversity in science, especially gender diversity

  • To build the profile of Centre researchers

  • To develop a strong and effective research community within the Centre


Similar to Media & Outreach, the ARC require a summary of the Centre’s activities in developing national and international links, outreach, public awareness and communication with the wider community. This could include conference presentations and keynote addresses.

The information gathered from this form is spread into multiple sections throughout the annual report and notable presentations made by centre members around the world are highlighted. The Centre’s communications activities are built around the key communications objectives that aim to support the Centre mission.

Research Outcomes

The ARC require a summary of highlights, achievements in research and other outputs achieved resulting from the use of the Funds, including any advances in knowledge, relevant publications or international collaboration. Centre members that succcessfully have outcomes of their research published are demonstrating dedication and commitment to the goals of the Centre.

The annual report will have a dedicated section listing all research outcomes for the year along with author names, collaboration details, and publication links.