Early Career Research Workshop 2023

Early Career Research Workshop 2023

Monday 27th - Tuesday 28th November 2023

The workshop will be held in person at the Stamford Grand Adelaide, in Glenelg, Adelaide, SA. 

We are working on whether there will be a zoom option to view the presentations for people who cannot attend. Presentations will not be able to be given via zoom.

Important information

Please ensure you have reviewed important information about COVID safe protocols, the CDM Code of Conduct and photography permissions available at the main CDM workshop confluence page which also relate to the ECR workshop:

2023 CDM Annual Workshop - (Public) ARC CoE for Dark Matter Particle Physics - Confluence (atlassian.net)

ECR Survey

Link: https://forms.gle/jKd3JdFv8KwoGKjw6

Best Talk Vote

Link: https://forms.office.com/r/esGkahahbP%E2%80%8B%E2%80%8B

Social Script

We have written a short document that outlines what you can expect from each session of the ECR workshop:

Zoom details

Join on your computer or mobile app
Click here to join the meeting
If prompted for a password, please enter: 966740

Enter the meeting ID: 828 2319 5334 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011

Or join from a H.323/SIP room system: Dial: 82823195334@zoom.aarnet.edu.au | or SIP: 82823195334@zmau.us | or with meeting ID: 82823195334 and password: 966740

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The University of Melbourne collects your personal information via Zoom to facilitate virtual meetings, webinars and events. This may include your name, email address and any personal information you share via Zoom during the session. The University's General Privacy Statement details how we collect and process personal information. Specific privacy collection notices provided to you at the time your personal information is collected further detail how your personal information will be processed. Refer to Zoom's Privacy Statement for information about how Zoom collects and processes personal information.


Monday 27th November

Time (ACDT)




Time (ACDT)





Lunch and Registration

Registration will be in the Function foyer (outside the Ballrooms). Lunch is in the Promenade restaurant.


Session 1 (13:30-15:00)


Session Chair:


30 minutes


Ellen & Ferdos


50 minutes + questions

Lecture: “A concise survey of dark matter” (theory)

Dipan Sengupta



Afternoon Tea



Session 2 (15:15-17:00)


Session Chair:


60 minutes + questions

Academic job advice

Martin White + Emma James


10 mins + questions

New Signal of Atmospheric Tau Neutrino Appearance: Sub-GeV Neutral-Current Interactions in JUNO

Stephan Meighen-Berger


10 mins + questions

Asymmetric Scotogenesis

Nimrod Shapir


10 mins + questions

Implementation of the Josephson Parametric Amplifier in ORGAN Q

Steven Samuels






17:30 - 19:00

Sundowner & Networking Session: Horizons Cocktail Lounge



Tuesday 28th November

Time (ACDT)




Time (ACDT)








Session 1 (9:00-10:30)




45 minutes + pitches

Build your own detector!

Theresa Fruth


10 mins + questions

Searching for displaced leptons at the ATLAS detector

Hitarthi Pandaya


10 mins + questions

Cosmogenic Activation Measurements

Yiyi Zhong



Morning Tea



Session 2 (11:00-13:00)




10 mins + questions

Extra-dimensional Models for Gravity

Joshua Gill


10 mins + questions

Two-Higgs Model: a Dark Matter Portal and 95 GeV Resonance Candidate

Iman Shaukat Ali


75 mins + questions

Sharing your science

Jackie Bondell






Session 3 (14:00-15:40)


Session Chair:


10 mins + questions

Cosmic-ray dark matter confronted by constraints on new light mediators

Navneet Krishnan


10 mins + questions

Cygnus: Directional Dark Matter Detection

Victoria Uttaree Bashu



60 mins + questions

How to make a plot

Ciaran O’Hare



Afternoon Tea



Session 4 (16:00-17:15)


Session Chair: Jayden



Mental Health and Wellbeing Session

Gregory Smith






Evening (18:00)

Social Activity: Trivia at The Jetty Bar



Uploading presentations

If you do not have login access to the Centre’s Confluence site, please email your presentation file and title directly to: Ellen, Ferdos or Jayden

If you do have login access to the Centre’s Confluence site, please login as usual and drag and drop your file into the File column.

Exact talk titles concerning a specific topic can be adjusted by the speaker!