XLZD-Oz workshop: 25-27th November 2024

XLZD-Oz workshop: 25-27th November 2024

Location: Slade Lecture Theatre, School of Physics, University of Sydney, NSW, Australia

When: 25th - 27th November 2024

Registration fee: Free


We warmly invite you to an Australia-based XLZD workshop. This will be held in Sydney, NSW the week following the nearby Annual Workshop for the ARC Centre of Excellence for Dark Matter Particle Physics (CDM) in Wollongong, NSW.

Scientific programme

We are seeking participation from those currently active in the XLZD consortium or working on current generation liquid xenon-based experiments, in addition to local participants interested in getting involved in the future. The workshop has two broad aims:

  • Provide XLZD collaborators in the Asia-Pacific region and beyond an opportunity to come together, exchange ideas and seed projects working towards the current design goals of the consortium

  • Provide Australia-based early career researchers, particularly those in the CDM, the opportunity to learn the details of experimental, theoretical and analysis aspects of new physics searches with liquid xenon time projection chambers

The mornings will consist of a series of talks and lectures given by the organisers and invited contributors covering a number of topics of relevance to current and future work in the XLZD consortium. These will include topics such as

  • Physics opportunities including dark matter and neutrino physics

  • Instrumentation

  • Systems in current-generation experiments

  • Simulation and sensitivity studies

  • Siting considerations

  • The neutrino fog and its consequences

  • R&D focus for the coming years

Each afternoon there will be opportunities for working sessions between attendees for discussion and the planning of near-term projects including design-focussed sensitivity studies and local R&D work. In parallel to these will be a series of hands-on workshops given by the organisers to give less expert attendees experience that would enable them to make contributions towards CDM XLZD efforts in the future.


Those interested in attending should fill out this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCWAoUUqWbLUDValEhk4zSS7s8thdsPwPAiE4bSEVB6uQkeg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0

Local organising committee

Robert James, The University of Melbourne

Theresa Fruth, The University of Sydney

Ciaran O’Hare, The University of Sydney

Jayden Newstead, the University of Melbourne