2022 CDM Annual Workshop

2022 CDM Annual Workshop

Forging and Strengthening Collaboration


The third Centre Annual Workshop will be held on Wednesday 23rd November - Friday 25th November 2022. The workshop will be held in person at Novotel Geelong, Victoria. There is a zoom option to view the presentations for people who cannot attend, however the workshop is not intended to be a hybrid event.

Code of Conduct

In registering for this event, you have agreed to abide by the Centre’s Code of Conduct. Please ensure that you are familiar with the Code of Conduct, including the Centre Values which are detailed in the full document. An extract of the requirements regarding conduct in meetings is below (click to expand the section).

The Code of Conduct outlines the process by which you can report inappropriate behaviour and there are additional reporting options outlined below.

The Centre expects Centre Members to behave in a courteous, respectful and professional manner during any meetings they attend at or on behalf of the Centre whether virtually or in person. Consistent with the Centre Values and the Code of Conduct, the Centre expects that all people who attend Centre endorsed activities including workshops, executive and any other committee meetings, conferences and retreats are treated with dignity and respect at all times.

Therefore, Centre Members are required to:

i. take positive steps to help prevent behaviours that undermine the Code of Conduct including bullying, harassment and sexual harassment;

ii. make a reasonable effort to ensure that communication is appropriate for a professional audience including people from different backgrounds;

iii. demonstrate tolerance for people’s differences based upon any protected attributes such as: race, colour, sex, sexual orientation, age, physical or mental disability, marital status, family or carer responsibilities, pregnancy, religion, political opinion, national extraction;

iv. refrain from engaging in or turning a blind eye to any use of racist, sexual or sexist language or imagery; and

v. refrain from insulting or putting down other attendees –rather, critique ideas not individuals.

Offenders may be subject to further disciplinary action, including but not limited to having their Centre membership revoked and being banned from participating in any future Centre meetings or other activities. Anyone who wishes to report a violation of this policy is asked to speak confidentially to the meeting organiser, the Chief Operating Officer or the Centre Director who will then determine the most appropriate course(s) of action.

Code of Conduct Allies

In addition, if Centre members don’t feel comfortable approaching the COO or Centre Director, the Centre’s Equity, Diversity and Inclusion Committee Members (with the rainbow logos on their nametags) have agreed to be Code of Conduct Allies at the annual workshop.

Role of Code of Conduct Allies: 

  • Wear a nametag with the rainbow CDM logo

  • Be available to be contacted if someone experiences inappropriate behaviour during the annual workshop

  • Proceed in accordance with the expectation of allies outlined below

Expectations of Allies:

  • Listen to the issue/concern without judgement

  • Maintain confidentiality where possible

  • Ask the person if they have a preferred course of action

  • If necessary, report the matter to the COO, Centre Director or one of the Chief Investigators of the Centre without disclosing any personal/confidential information. They will advise on how to proceed in accordance with the Centre’s code of conduct and/or the relevant institution’s HR processes

  • Do not place yourself in a situation where you do not feel comfortable. If you do not feel confident to have a further discussion, please let the person know.

Getting to the Novotel in Geelong

The Novotel is located at 10-14 Eastern Beach Road, Geelong Vic 3220 novotelgeelong.com.au

Transport options to the Novotel are detailed here

If you are catching the train from Melbourne Southern Cross Station or Gull bus from Melbourne Airport, you will arrive at Geelong Railway Station which is a short walk to the Novotel.

For those of you traveling to the workshop by car, you may wish to be a little greener and carpool.

We’ve created a google sheet for you to enter your details and for others to get a lift with you from Melbourne to Geelong.

Head to the spreadsheet and enter your details here: CDM Workshop Carpooling - Google Sheets

Zoom details

Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: Click here to join the meeting
If prompted for a password, please enter: 050216

Enter the meeting ID: 818 1822 7901 via +61 3 7018 2005 or +61 2 8015 6011

Or join from a H.323/SIP room system: Dial: 81818227901@zoom.aarnet.edu.au | or SIP: 81818227901@zmau.us | or with meeting ID: 81818227901 and password: 050216

The University of Melbourne collects your personal information via Zoom to facilitate virtual meetings, webinars and events. This may include your name, email address and any personal information you share via Zoom during the session. The University's General Privacy Statement details how we collect and process personal information. Specific privacy collection notices provided to you at the time your personal information is collected further detail how your personal information will be processed. Refer to Zoom's Privacy Statement for information about how Zoom collects and processes personal information.

COVID-19 protocols for all in-person attendees

For COVID-19 protocols, please review the attached document carefully. This outlines COVID safe measures that are to be undertaken whilst attending the workshop and guidelines on how to respond should you become unwell or test positive to COVID-19.

Conference organisers emergency contacts:

Anita Vecchies - 0450101511

Kathryn Ryan - 0412728587

Elisabetta Barberio - 0400876293

Photography permissions

We will be taking photographs throughout the workshop which may be put on the Centre website or used in the annual report. Please notify the conference organisers if you do not wish for your image to be used.

Uploading presentations


NOTE: the tables for the Agenda may be wider than your browser window. In this case, at the very end of the Agenda table for each day, there should be a horizontal scroll bar which will allow you to scroll across to the rest of the table. This horizontal scroll bar will be visible only when you are viewing the very end of each day’s Agenda.

Wednesday 23rd November

Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / details



Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / details





Breakfast for those staying at the Novotel on the Tuesday night

Waterfront restaurant

This is to allow for any unexpected problems, etc.





Peninsula Room




15 min

Welcome to Country





15 min

Welcome from the Director

Elisabetta Barberio



Session 1


Session Chair

Phillip Urquijo




30 min

Keynote Presentation - Prospects on Noble gas experiments (Xe and Ar)

Sara Diglio - Nantes




30 min

Keynote Presentation - Directional detector overview, programs at Boulby

Neil Spooner - Sheffield




30 min

What is a Centre of Excellence and what are the priorities leading up to the 2023 Centre’s mid-term review

Elisabetta Barberio / Mike Tobar





30 min

Morning Tea




Session 2


Session Chair - Direct Detection & Metrology

Michael Tobar




10 min

WIMP Project Planning Process, discussion of strategic directions locally, internationally https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/1552416807

Direct Detection coordinators




15 min

SABRE Project overview, simulation, background modelling and prospects

Madeleine Zurowski




15 min

SABRE Detector performance, characterisation and callibration

Zuzana Slavkovska




15 min

SABRE Operations, DAQ, Slow control, Software frameworks

Matthew Gerathy




15 min

LZ Overview and results

Theresa Fruth




15 min

Cygnus R&D program

Lindsey Bignell




60 min





Session 3


Session Chair - Direct Detection & Metrology

Steve Tims




15 min

Proposed cryogenic detector facility at SUPL

Glenn Harris




15 min

R&D on Cryogenic & Superconducting Detectors for Low Energy Events

Ben McAllister




20 min

Status on ADMX and ORGAN

Aaron Quiskamp




10 min

Anyon Cavity Resonator and Ultra-Light Axions

Emma Paterson




15 min

AMS Pb-210

Michaela Froehlich




15 min

High-Q Quartz

Will Campbell




30 min

Afternoon Tea




Session 3


Session Chair

Michaela Froehlich




70 min


Introduction to mentoring program and workshop “How to prepare for an interview” incl. Q&A

Michaela Froehlich

Hrayr Matevosyan

Sue Barrell




60 min

Poster Session

Full details here:

2022 CDM Annual Workshop Poster Session - (Public) ARC CoE for Dark Matter Particle Physics - Confluence (atlassian.net)

Canapes will be served during the poster session.




Thursday 24th November

Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / Details


Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / Details




Breakfast for those staying at the Novotel on the Wednesday night

Waterfront restaurant

This is to allow for any unexpected problems, etc.


60 min

EDI Committee Diversity Breakfast - all welcome

Please come along to have your breakfast at this time if you would like to meet the committee and Centre members who are interested in networking with other members of underrepresented groups and/or are willing to contribute to ways of improving and supporting diversity and inclusion within the Centre and broader research community.




Registration of new attendees



Session 1


Session Chair

Raymond Volkas



30 min

Keynote Presentation - Learning about the nature of dark matter with gravitational waves

Pippa Cole



30 min

Keynote Presentation - Dark Matter in Astronomy vs Particle Physics … FIGHT!

Darren Croton



15 min

ECR update

ECR Committee

Irene Bolognino

Ben McAllister

Markus Mosbech



15 min

Road trip report

Participants on the National Quantum and Dark Matter Road Trip

Jackie Bondell

Ben McAllister

Emily Filmer/Will Campbell/Raghda Abdel Khaleq



30 min

Morning Tea



Session 2


Session Chair - LHC, Theory, Theory-Exp convergence

Maxim Goryachev



30 min


Summary talks, other talks, discussion

Harish Potti and James Webb



20 min

Theory / Experimental convergence - Sub-GeV direct detection with superfluid helium

Peter Cox



20 min

Theory / Experimental convergence - Beyond standard WIMPs with xenon direct detection experiments

Jayden Newstead



20 min

Theory / Experimental convergence - SABRE South: not just a modulation hunter

Francesco Nuti



30 min

Theory structured discussions

Dark matter substructure
Dark matter in compact objects



60 min




Session 3


Session Chair - Theory

Nicole Bell



10 min

Probing dark matter microphysics with gravitational waves and cosmology

Markus Mosbech



10 min

Illuminating the dark side in Adelaide

Dipan Sengupta



10 min

Capture of Dark Matter in Neutron Stars and White Dwarfs

Giorgio Busoni



10 min


Talk cancelled due to illness



10 min

Exploring the cosmological dark matter coincidence using infrared fixed points

Alex Ritter



30 min

Theory structured discussions

Primordial black holes
Directional detection



30 min

Afternoon Tea



Session 4


Session Chair

Cedric Simenel



60 min

Equity, Diversity and Inclusion

Introduction of Committee, EDI panel and Q&A

Virginia Kilborn

Cedric Simenel, Christine Thong, Nicole Bell, Zuzana Slavkovska









Workshop Dinner and Awards - all invited

Peninsula Room





Boogie at Beavs



Friday 25th November

Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / Details


Time (AEDT)


Topic / talk title

Presenter / Details




Breakfast for those staying at the Novotel on the Thursday night

Waterfront restaurant

This is to allow for any unexpected problems, etc.



Advisory Board and Executive Committee breakfast

Waterfront Restaurant




Closed session - Advisory Board meeting

Flinders Boardroom with zoom option for virtual attendees




Registration of new attendees



Session 1


Session Chair




60 min

Innovation activity - Peninsula Room

Christine Thong



60 min

Parallel training session for all Chief Investigators

Mark Dean - Enmasse

  • Bellarine Room (zoom link provided via calendar invite for virtual attendees)



45 min

Keynote Presentation - Overview on axion and wavelike dark matter experiments

Ciaran O’Hare



30 min

Morning Tea



Session 2


Session Chair




30 min

Strategic plan/preparation for mid-term review

Debrief on workshop, identification of gaps, discussion



30 min

Director and Advisory Board Chair - wrap up

Elisabetta Barberio / Geoff Taylor / Aidan Byrne



60 min




Powerpoint presentation template

Other CDM logo options