Boosted Dark Matter
Study processes expected to deposit larger energies > 1MeV and/or undergo multiple interactions.
Should distinguish between CR (heavy non-rel DM) and decay/inelastic boosted DM (two-three DM states that can decay into each other) (i.e., do the two need to be searched for in different ways).
CR-BDM will have an additional daily modulation signature as it passes through the earth. Interesting results could come from comparing observations (or lack thereof) in the Southern Hemisphere with those in the Northern. The LAB detector may also play a role, as previous constraints have been set by DUNE, MiniBoone and Super-K (all of these have high energy threshold, might we gain something if ours is lower?)
Investigated processes
Attenuation through the Earth and resulting modulation signal (nb: likely an intensive theoretical task)
Understanding of influence of usual detector effects
Influence of energy thresholds
Influence of geographical position
Influence of a particular target (NaI and/or LAB)
Process | Info | Signature | Selection | Background rate | Limits on signal rate | Limits on model parameters | Current limits |
Inelastic scattering of BDM as investigated by COSINE-100 | See below papers. | High energy interactions in both LS and NaI | Energy of the LS > 4 MeV No tagged muons Total energy of the NaI > 4 MeV No alpha events in the NaI | The background muon flux can mimic the BDM signal. Total expected muon flux Approximate area of the experiment is Giving a total muon flux of or 336034 counts over 3 years. | limit = 1.645 * sqrt(2*bg) = 1348 counts over 3 years = 1.23 counts/day Note: This is a very pessimistic estimate and the muon detectors should tag a significant number of these muons, reducing the background. Better estimates/simulations of the muon background and veto efficiency can further refine this limit. | Theo | Theo |
Reference material
Inelastic Boosted Dark Matter -
Cosmic Ray BDM -