Guidelines for collaboration and chapter development
Groups should consider following these guidelines in order to identify and develop the content of chapters. The work can be divided in three stages: Assessment, Prioritisation, Refinement.
Stage 1: Consider several processes and assess the sensitivity of the SABRE experiment to such processes. Simplify as much as possible: approximate, extrapolate and always consider the best case scenario. Obtain a rough order of magnitude limit and compare it to current limits. If a rough estimate is not possible due to the complexity of the process, then it is probably not deemed to be include in the paper, but it should be possibly investigated at a later stage.
Stage 2: Create a priority list based on expected limits vs current limits for the assessed processes and/or relevance of the result. Proceed to stage 3 walking down the priority list
Stage 3: Work on including the processes in the white paper, starting from the highest in priority. Wherever possible improve the estimate refining assumptions and analysis. Introduce uncertainties if known.
| Process | Signature | Selection | Background rate | Limits on signal rate | Limit on model parameters | Current limits |
Assigne to | Theo | Theo | Exp | Exp | Exp | Theo | Theo |
Stage 1: Assessment | Name and reference | Type of interaction, differential rate as required (e.g. recoil energy, theory parameters, time) | Define requirements for each detector (energy range, multiplicity) | Estimate background count for 3 years of data taking and 50 kg of NaI crystal mass | Discovery/exclusion limits based on background rate and stat. unc. only | From rate limits and differential rate formula | Best limits from literature (overall and same type of detector) |
Stage 2: Prioritisation | Create a priority list based on expected limits vs current limits for the assessed processes and/or relevance of the result. Proceed to stage 3 walking down the priority list | ||||||
Stage 3: Refinement and writing | Create a section in the paper describing the process | Refine if needed | Refine if needed | Refine, include uncertainties | Refine, include uncertainties |