Early Career Research Workshop 2021
Thursday-Friday February 11th-12th 2021. The Workshop will be an online event, held via Zoom.
Zoom details
zoom link: https://unimelb.zoom.us/j/84845509914?pwd=dVlrRGZhOElDZlVqU3VCdXFKZ0xZdz09
Password: ******
Note: times are given in EDST. Adelaide is 0.5 hours behind; Perth is 3 hours behind. Upload instructions are at the bottom of the page.
Thursday February 11th
Dark Matter Direct Detection / Metrology | |||
Time (EDST) | Topic | Speaker | File |
10:30-10:35 | Please join the meeting 10-15 minutes prior to its start time in order to check for eventual technical issues. The meeting proper will commence at 10:45 sharp. Zoom details: a Zoom breakout room will be used for this session with the name DMDDM. Participants can join freely breakout rooms. Session chairs will be made co-hosts. Breakout rooms instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206476313-Managing-Breakout-Rooms. For any troubles joining breakout rooms please send an email to federico.scutti@unimelb.edu.au with the name of the room you would like to join. | ||
Session 1 | Experiment 1 | Session Chair: Steve Tims |
10:45 | SABRE Hardware and Software status | Federico Scutti | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
11:00 | SABRE North Crystal analysis | Francesco Nuti | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
11:15 | Metrology update | Zuzana Slavkovska |
11:30 | ORGAN/ADMX Update | Ben McAlister |
11:45 | CYGNUS status | Lindsey Bignell |
12:00-13:00 | Break |
Session 2 | Experiment 2 | Session Chair: Gary Hill |
13:00 | CYGNUS prototype | Lachlan McKie |
13:15 | From SABRE data to CYGNUS simulation | Peter McNamara | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
13:30 | SABRE Muon system | Michael Mews | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
13:45 | SABRE PMTs and Veto PID | William Dix | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
14:00 | SABRE Particle ID in NaI | Nathan Spinks | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
14:15 | SABRE NaI Quenching factor | Ibtihal Mahmood | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
14:30 | SABRE Cosmogenic activation | Yi Yi Zhong | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
14:45 | SABRE Cosmogenic background | Minh Tan Ha | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
15:00-15:20 | Break |
Session 3 | Experiment 3 | Session Chair: Lindsey Bignell |
15:20 | Cavities and data processing for ORGAN | Aaron Quiskamp |
15:35 | Searching for DM axions with magnons | Graeme Flower |
15:50 | Scalar DM and High Frequency Gravity Wave Searches | William Campbell |
16:05 | Bridging WIMP and WISP Searches with precision metrology | Catriona Thomson |
16:20 | Close |
LHC / Theory | |||
Time (EDST) | Topic | Speaker | File |
10:45-10:50 | Please join the meeting 10-15 minutes prior to its start time in order to check for eventual technical issues. The meeting proper will commence at 11:00 sharp. Zoom details: a Zoom breakout room will be used for this session with the name LHCTheo. Participants can join freely breakout rooms. Session chairs will be made co-hosts. Breakout rooms instructions: https://support.zoom.us/hc/en-us/articles/206476313-Managing-Breakout-Rooms. For any troubles joining breakout rooms please send an email to federico.scutti@unimelb.edu.au with the name of the room you would like to join. | ||
Session 1 | LHC/ATLAS | Session Chair: Paul Jackson |
11:00 | Unifying searches for BSM physics | Abhishek Sharma |
11:15 | Machine Learning for Event Reconstruction with the ATLAS Detector | Albert Kong |
11:30 | Top, charm and invisible | Tristan Ruggeri |
11:45 | Electroweak Supersymmetry with Recursive Jigsaw Reconstruction | Jason Oliver |
12:00-13:00 | Break |
Session 2 | Theory 1 | Session Chair: Peter Cox |
13:00 | WIMP direct detection: EFT and phenomenological analysis | Xuan-Gong Wang |
13:15 | Combining Unsupervised Anomaly Detection Techniques In BSM Physics Searches At The LHC | Adam Leinweber |
13:30 | Implementing Asymmetric Dark Matter and Dark Electroweak Baryogenesis in a Mirror Two-Higgs-Doublet Model | Alex Ritter |
13:45 | Convolutional Variational Autoencoders for Dark Matter Anomaly Detection | Riley Patrick |
14:00 | Solar Gamma Rays from Dark Matter | Isaac Sanderson |
14:15 | The scotogenic model with scalar dark matter | Nicholas Leerdam |
14:30-14:50 | Break |
Session 3 | Theory 2 | Session Chair: Jayden Newstead |
14:50 | Model-independent approach for incorporating interference effects in collider searches for new resonances | Edmund Ting |
15:05 | Constraint on dark matter (DM) using neutron stars | Wasif Husain |
15:20 | Constraining axion-like particles using the white dwarf initial-final mass relation | Fred Hiskens |
15:35 | Neutron-to-DM decay in neutron stars | Theo Motta |
15:50 | Dark matter and collider phenomenology of a SU(2) triplet and singlet scalar extended standard model | Leon Friedrich |
16:05 | Probing EWPT in 2HDM with Future Lepton Colliders | Wei Su |
16:20 | Close |
Friday February 12th
Experiment / Theory | |||
Time (EDST) | Topic | Speaker | File |
10:00-10:05 | Please join the meeting 10-15 minutes prior to its start time in order to check for eventual technical issues. The meeting proper will commence at 10:10 sharp. Zoom details: view link at the top of the page. Session chairs will be made co-hosts. | ||
Session 1 | Theory 3 | Session Chair: Ciaran O’Hare |
10:10 | Phase Transitions and Dark Matter Production | Michael Baker |
10:25 |
| Sandra Robles |
Session 2 | Bridging Theory and Experiment | Session Chair: Michael Baker |
10:40 | Introduction | Elisabetta Barberio |
10:45 | Cygnus: directional gas time projection chambers for dark matter and neutrinos | Ciaran O’Hare |
11:00 | SABRE physics | Madeleine Zurowski | https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/664371320 |
11:15 | Direct detection in the sub-MeV regime | Peter Cox |
11:30 | Light inelastic dark matter detection | Jayden Newstead |
11:45 | Improving Dark Matter Capture in Neutron Stars | Michael Virgato |
12:00-13:00 | Break |
Session 3 | Discussion about participation in the centre executive, research committee and porfolios | Session Chairs: Cedric Simenel, Phillip Urquijo |
13:00 |
| ECR only |
14:30 | Close |
Uploading presentations
If you do not have login access to the Centre’s Confluence site, please email your presentation file and title directly to padric.mcgee@adelaide.edu.au.
If you do have login access to the Centre’s Confluence site, please login as usual and drag and drop your file into the File column.
Exact talk titles concerning a specific topic can be adjusted by the speaker!