Each afternoon there will be opportunities for working sessions between attendees for discussion and the planning of near-term projects including design-focussed sensitivity studies and local R&D work. In parallel to these will be a series of hands-on workshops given by the organisers to give less expert attendees experience that would enable them to make contributions towards CDM XLZD efforts in the future.
Formal registration is not currently required. Those interested in attending should fill out their details in the table below. Regrettably travel costs will not be covered, however catering will be provided during the days and for the workshop dinner.this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdCWAoUUqWbLUDValEhk4zSS7s8thdsPwPAiE4bSEVB6uQkeg/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0
List of participants
Name | Institution | |
Robert James | The University of Melbourne | |
Theresa Fruth | The University of Sydney | |
Ciaran O’Hare | The University of Sydney | |
Jayden Newstead | The University of Melbourne | |