2022 CDM Annual Workshop
Forging and Strengthening Collaboration
The third Centre Annual Workshop will be held on Wednesday 23rd November - Friday 25th November 2022. The workshop will be held in person at Novotel Geelong, Victoria. There is a zoom option to view the presentations for people who cannot attend, however the workshop is not intended to be a hybrid event.
Code of Conduct
In registering for this event, you have agreed to abide by the Centre’s Code of Conduct. Please ensure that you are familiar with the Code of Conduct, including the Centre Values which are detailed in the full document. An extract of the requirements regarding conduct in meetings is below (click to expand the section).
The Code of Conduct outlines the process by which you can report inappropriate behaviour and there are additional reporting options outlined below.
Getting to the Novotel in Geelong
Zoom details
Join from PC, Mac, iOS or Android: Click here to join the meeting
If prompted for a password, please enter: 050216
COVID-19 protocols for all in-person attendees
Photography permissions
Uploading presentations
NOTE: the tables for the Agenda may be wider than your browser window. In this case, at the very end of the Agenda table for each day, there should be a horizontal scroll bar which will allow you to scroll across to the rest of the table. This horizontal scroll bar will be visible only when you are viewing the very end of each day’s Agenda.
Wednesday 23rd November
Time (AEDT) |
| Topic / talk title | Presenter / details | File |
6:30-9:00 |
| Breakfast for those staying at the Novotel on the Tuesday night | Waterfront restaurant | This is to allow for any unexpected problems, etc. |
8:30-9:00 |
| Registration | Peninsula Room |
9:00-9:15 | 15 min | Welcome to Country |
| |
9:15-9:30 | 15 min | Welcome from the Director | Elisabetta Barberio |
Session 1 |
| Session Chair | Phillip Urquijo |
9:30-10:00 | 30 min | Keynote Presentation - Prospects on Noble gas experiments (Xe and Ar) | Sara Diglio - Nantes |
10:00-10:30 | 30 min | Keynote Presentation - Directional detector overview, programs at Boulby | Neil Spooner - Sheffield |
10:30-11:00 | 30 min | What is a Centre of Excellence and what are the priorities leading up to the 2023 Centre’s mid-term review | Elisabetta Barberio / Mike Tobar
11:00-11:30 | 30 min | Morning Tea |
Session 2 |
| Session Chair - Direct Detection & Metrology | Michael Tobar |
11:30-11:40 | 10 min | WIMP Project Planning Process, discussion of strategic directions locally, internationally https://darkmatteraustralia.atlassian.net/wiki/spaces/CDM/pages/1552416807 | Direct Detection coordinators |
11:40-11:55 | 15 min | SABRE Project overview, simulation, background modelling and prospects | Madeleine Zurowski |
11:55-12:10 | 15 min | SABRE Detector performance, characterisation and callibration | Zuzana Slavkovska |
12:10-12:25 | 15 min | SABRE Operations, DAQ, Slow control, Software frameworks | Matthew Gerathy |
12:25-12:40 | 15 min | LZ Overview and results | Theresa Fruth |
12:40-12:55 | 15 min | Cygnus R&D program | Lindsey Bignell |
13:00-14:00 | 60 min | Lunch |
Session 3 |
| Session Chair - Direct Detection & Metrology | Steve Tims |
14:00-14:15 | 15 min | Proposed cryogenic detector facility at SUPL | Glenn Harris |
14:15-14:30 | 15 min | R&D on Cryogenic & Superconducting Detectors for Low Energy Events | Ben McAllister |
14:30-14:50 | 20 min | Status on ADMX and ORGAN | Aaron Quiskamp |
14:50-15:00 | 10 min | Anyon Cavity Resonator and Ultra-Light Axions | Emma Paterson |
15:00-15:15 | 15 min | AMS Pb-210 | Michaela Froehlich |
15:15-15:30 | 15 min | High-Q Quartz | Will Campbell |