Year | Degree | Author | Institution | Supervisor | Title |
2024 | MSc | Chhun, Sen Sam | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | PMT characterisation and improved noise rejection with the SABRE South experiment |
2023 | MSc | Irving-Dinsdale, Jack | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | Characterising Muon Flux and Applying Machine Learning to Scintillator Panels |
2023 | MSc | Rule, Kieran J | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | Induced Modulation in Dark Matter Analysis |
2023 | PhD | Zurowski, Madeleine | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta and Urquijo, Phillip | Designing and assessing model independent tests of the DAMA modulation |
2023 | PhD | Melbourne, William | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip and Barberio, Elisabetta | Detector Characterisation for SABRE South |
2022 | PhD | McNamara, Peter | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | Searching for Dark Matter |
2022 | MSc | Isaac, Carol | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | The effect of high-energy calibration on the SABRE Background Model |
2022 | MSc | Stanley, Owen | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | Photo-multiplier characterisation and development of a signal classifier for low energy dark matter searches in the SABRE experiment |
2021 | PhD | Krishnan, Shanti | Swinburne | Geoffrey Brooks, Alan Duffy, Jeremy Mould, Greg Lane | Direct Dark Matter Environment Monitoring |
2021 | Hon | Leaver, Kyle | Adelaide | Gary Hill | Sensitivity of the SABRE Experiment to WIMP Signals and Seasonal Backgrounds |
2020 | MSc | Milligan, Lachlan | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | Modelling the SABRE Veto System: |
2019 | MSc | Mews, Michael | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | Catching Dark Matter’s Mimics: |
2018 | MSc | Melbourne, William | Melbourne | Urquijo, Phillip | Development of SABRE South - A NaI based dark matter detector |
2018 | MSc | Zurowski, Madeleine | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | Inelastic Dark Matter and the SABRE Experiment |
2017 | MSc | Mahmood, Ibtihal | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | The Characterization and Passive Shielding of Background at SABRE (SUPL) |
2016 | MSc | Koo, John | Melbourne | Barberio, Elisabetta | Measurement of the Underground Cosmic Ray Muon Flux at Stawell Gold Mine |
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